Ever browse through eBay and find that perfect buy-it-auction at dirt cheap price, only to see that someone has already snapped it up? If so, this is the tool for you. Many users often list auctions without researching who much their items are really worth. JustDeals will automatically search eBay for those underpriced auctions constantly and lets you react quickly, so you can get great deals, or make a profit reselling them.
Here are a few of JustDeal's many features:
You can create very detailed searches using criteria such as boolean statements, price range, and specific category search, and seller names . You can even do a specific category search on eBay's advanced search page.
A text message can be sent to your cellular phone when new results are found, so you'll know about new auctions no matter where you are.
You can have an email sent to yourself, so you'll be alerted even if you're using the internet somewhere else.
A Desktop Alert can be used, which a small transparent window in the corner of the screen that briefly appears over the top whatever application you're currently in, for minimum distraction.
You can even have JustDeals automatically place a bid for you.
There are many ways to quickly add new auctions, even in the background. Integration with web browsers including Internet Explorer, Firefox, and Opera. Automatically add all items you've bidding on, selling, or watching.
A powerful tab-system lets you easily organize similar keywords into the same group.
Automatically checks for new updates so you're always using the latest version. Updates are available for free.
Supports international eBay sites and currencies.